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尚 shàng Home Pinyin chang

cháng see (徜徉)

cháng Amble

cháng Ordinary; constant; often; morality

chǎng Depressed; vague

shàng Sole (of shoe)

táng Main room; purpose-built building; court; hall; used in family relationship names; measure word for a set

tǎng Drip

chǎng Spacious; uncovered

chēng see (撑)

shǎng Reward; marvel at; recognise

táng Birchleaf pear

zhǎng Palm (of hand); slap; be in charge; pad of the feet (of animals); mend the sole of a shoe

cháng Skirt

tāng Loosen soil

tǎng Lie flat

tàng Measure word for trip and things in rows; procession

Copyright (c) 2021 David Pearce